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Heybridge to Howe Green along Chelmer & Blackwater Canal

Friday 26th January 2018



This walk was intended as a variation to the walk I did one week earlier, but instead of going into Chelmsford from Sandford Mill Lock, I intended to try the route from Sanford Mill Lock to Howe Green, via Sandon.


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
24.25 5H48 5H09 50 10 1 45



Courtesy of https://www.willowboathire.co.uk/localarea

Quite cold and misty, with a grey sky, as I left the Old Ship pub in Heybridge

Grey pall over the Blackwater Estuary

Extensive work still continues on the sea lock

Along the canal





Crossing over to the other side of the canal at Maldon Bypass Gates

It started to get muddy under foot!

Chapman's Bridge

Beeleigh Flood Gates

Long Weir

Beeleigh Lock

High water level at Beeleigh Lock

Rickett's Lock




Langford Road Pipe Bridge


Snowdrops appearing..... Spring on the way?

Flooded tow path

Muddy again

Hoe Mill Lock


Ulting Church

Rushe's Lock

The Old Stables Tea Room at Paper Mill Lock

What could be better than a bowl of warming soup?
(Their cakes are to die for!)

Paper Mill Lock moorings

Grace's Bridge, leading to Hammonds Road

Sandford Mill Lock moorings

Sandford Mill Lock

At Sanford Mill Lock, rather than continuing along the canal into Chelmsford and taking the bus home, I decided to walk directly to Howe Green. Crossing the bridge over the canal at Sandford Mill Lock takes you into Brook End Road; here you take a left and head towards the A414. You can't take a car up this section as it passes over a stream on a pedestrian bridge.



The path goes past Mill Cottages and rises up towards Manor Farm. Here, at the cross roads, there is a path that goes across the field towards the Danbury Road, the A414. There was a sign here indicating the route of the path, but it has been snapped off; perhaps the farmers is trying to discourage people taking this path!



Heading towards the Danbury Road

Crossing the Danbury Road opposite the bus stop, the route goes down Brick Kiln Lane to Sandon, coming out by St Andrew's Church and The Crown pub.


The Crown at Sandon

The route continues down Hall Lane, right to the end, where a small bridge takes the path over a stream. The path rises slightly into a snicket which runs parallel to the A12.



This comes out at a bridge which crosses the A12 and leads to the quarries. This in turn leads to a footpath which skirts Sandon Hall, and via the Bridleway leads to Howe Green.